Life's a Journey

It is hardly insightful to say that life is a journey, and yet the obvious is often camouflaged by its obviousness.

Mark Twain reminds us that on our journey most of us have seen more than we remembered and remembered more than we saw.

As a child I couldn’t wait to see the world. It wasn’t that I didn’t love my world or those in my world, I just wanted there to be more in my world.

Long before I thought of driving or flying, my excitement was limited to learning how to ride a bike. With my legs peddling like mad, and my head low over the handlebars, I could feel the wind, and the world opening, faster and faster.

Unfortunately and fortunately, across time I have learned that the faster we go in life, the sooner it is a blur. So to reduce the blur in my own mind’s eye – and share the sights on my journey – I will be posting with some regularity a Noah’s Life Is a Journey travel blog of tidbits, good tidings, and tips.

That I speak of this in the third person is because when I write this, I am a witness in a mirror re-reading my travels, re-savoring the moments and the lessons. It is my hope that in sharing this with you I am being an ally on your journey and the travel yet ahead in your life. The Italians reminds us, vita e breve, life is short – all the most reason for all of us to take notes and pay attention.

By the way fellow road travelers, we will also be posting the travel blogs of others that in some way speak to and serve all of us on life’s journey – and invite you to send your ramblings along.

It is a pleasure to have your company. For all of us, the train has already left the station. Choo choo!

Peace and blessings,

Noah benShea

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